Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Graffiti Pictures

Busy, Busy, Busy

So, if you haven't figured it out. Shaun got a new camera for an early Christmas present and has been using it to take lots and lots of pictures of Collin. They all look so great, it will be hard to pick the best to post on the blog.
We have been so busy with the month of December and it is only the 8th. We are getting ready for Christmas in our house. We had Collin's picture taken with Santa last week and I will try to scan that one and get it up here, as well as taking a picture of my Christmas present and putting it up here. Sounds like I have a lot of work to do.
We had our MSF Leadership Christmas Dinner last night and it is so awesome to see the new faces that have joined us over this last year. It is amazing to see what God can put together to use for His kingdom.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Playing Catch UP

I am trying to catch up with this blogging thing. Give me some time to make it look good!

Friday, November 27, 2009


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in VA with the Olsen family! Collin loved playing with his cousins, Ally & Chase. I hope to be posting some family pictures that we took while we were there. Shaun has taken up photography as a new hobby, if you know him, you know that his hobbies are always changing and evolving. The problem is, I used to get all the pictures off the camera and now I don't get any.
I did get up this morning at 3:00 a.m. for some Black Friday shopping. I made a lot of impulse purchases and returned most of them once we got back home. I guess that is what happens when you shouldn't even be awake. THANKS to Mom, Lisa and Kristen for getting up and at least making that time of morning tolerable. Don't know what I would have done without that Starbucks, mom!
We are back home in PA and trying to readjust to life after vacation.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birthday Party

I can't believe that so many people came out to help us celebrate Collin's first birthday. It was amazing. He will never be able to play with all the toys that he received as gifts. We had a wonderful time and I can't wait to spend another whole year with him!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Collin Eric Olsen

Today, my son, you are turning ONE. I can't believe how fast the last year has gone and the joy and tears that you have brought to my life. I remember the joy and excitement of being pregnant and the uncertainty of delivery. I remember standing in front of the refrigerator with daddy and saying "this is the last time we will be in our house before we become mom and dad". It seems like only yesterday. I still remember the fear and anxiety that gripped me when they said that you were breech and I would need a c-section and all my plans went out the window. I should have known that this was only the beginning of how you would change our world.
The first time that I saw you was incredible. The first time that I held you was amazing, even though I was so exhausted.
Over this past year, we have cried and laughed at all the things that you have learned how to do, from your first smile, the first time you rolled over, when you learned to crawl.
I can't wait to see what God has in store for your life and I am excited about the next year and another set of milestones to share with you. You truly are my life!
Mommy and Daddy love you very much!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Still Waiting

Well, we are still waiting for Collin's arrival!  There is nothing new to report!  He is not ready to enter this world, I guess!  Shaun and I are so excited and we just can't wait to meet him.  I am having a little more trouble sleeping @ night, but still not to bad!  I have been trying everything the Dr. says to do to try and spur the process along.  I have a few contractions here and there each day, but nothing worthy of timing or counting yet!  It is Monday and we really want him to come today, if not Shaun still says he has to wait till Thursday, so we don't have to miss an extra Wednesday night!  
Well, I will try to keep the site updated, especially after he arrives!  
Shaun and Angela